Friday, November 28, 2008

period rant

Check out Tampax's new ad campaign called Outsmart Mother Nature. In it, a woman in a very unfortunately green jacket tells us that as Mother Nature, she creates several natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, the iceberg that sank the Titanic, and your period. One of these things is not like the other...
I really can't stand these ads that paint getting your period as this horrible curse that you must suffer because you were unlucky enough to be born female. Yeah, getting your period can be uncomfortable, crampy, emotional, whatever, but portraying it as this disgusting thing just reinforces the idea that women's bodies are icky.
And one other thing- why is it that every time I get my period I have to shell out $12 for a glorified box of cotton? What the hell? Why is it that Viagra is covered by health insurance yet tampons are not? You know if guys were the ones bleeding out of their special parts, the government would be handing out free Diva Cups like candy. Yet we lady folks must pay up month after month for what is basically a medical condition. Well, fuck that I say!
And what is up with calling the period aisle at CVS or wherever the "feminine hygenie" aisle? What does that crap even mean? "Oh gee, my vagina is being all bloody and dirty again, better go get some tampons and douche!" Ew. No. Why can't we just call it "the period aisle"? I mean, come on! What's with this bullshit euphemism (that again convieniently connotates that women's bodies are dirty)? Women make up over 50% of the population and we have PERIODS. Just SAY IT.

Yeah, guess what I got this morning?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy day

I'll save the rants on genocide and colonialism for another time.

May your blessings exceed your burdens.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

give me a reason

On a thread the other day I asked what I would tell my children if Prop 8 passed. With this tight feeling in my throat, I’ve been trying to answer that question all day. I have to tell them that that America will always break their hearts.
-Thomas, guest-blogging on Feministe

Less than 12 hours after I fell in love with America all over again, it broke my heart.


I'd say more, but I really can't bear to think about it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

so did you hear about this election thing?

Today America elected its first African-American president: Barack Obama. I am so overwhelmed with emotion right now. All I can do is cry. God, I'm so happy.