Sunday, June 22, 2008

state of the union

things that i am fond of right now
-rewatching buffy. i'm still in the beginning of the first season. everyone's clothes are so weird. lots of plaid. lots of miniskirts. lots of sarah michelle looking incredibly young wearing lip gloss and a push-up bra in bed. i'm watching teacher's pet now, with the big-ass bug in it. it's always funny when giant animals show up. like all the snakes! they really wanted to put that snake costume to use, huh? must've been expensive. and there's heavy metal in this episode too! i forgot about that. hahahaa. can't believe i found angel so attractive when i was fourteen. i must've had some sort of iron deficiency that caused that. i find myself now lusting after his leather jacket instead of him.
-woxy and the current. so much good music, go listen now. seriously, i was having some sort of musicgasm when i first was recommended it
-lolcats. the lolcat bible. my cat. garfield without garfield. cats in general.
-my friend prep being inspired to start a blog! go check it out!

things i am not find of right now
-katy perry. i'm sorry, i don't get the appeal. she's a cute girl, though
-fox news. referring to michelle obama, wife to barack and mother to two girls, as "obama's baby mama"? not fucking on.
-a six-foot long black python being found in an australian toilet. thisclose to snakes on a plane, people.
-stephanie klein's new book, moose. loved her first, straight up and dirty. love her blog, greek tragedy (wish i had got that name first). but this one...not so much. her style is still great. but i just can't bring myself to care about fat camp and her being overweight as a child. i get that it sucked for her, but it's just kind of boring. i dunno. it's not horrible, i'm just disappointed. why couldn't she have just picked a more compelling story? she doesn't seem to really go into her feelings deeper than "this really sucks". i would've been happier if she had just published a book of baby pictures. seriously, her twins are so freaking cute.
-and about babies, what the hell is going on with me? all of a sudden i have baby fever. i think up names for my children and coo uncontrollably when i see babies and think about how cool being pregnant would be. what the fuck is this? i don't even like children! i'd be a shitty mom even if i wasn't, you know, sixteen years old. i shouldn't even be thinking about babies. this is really disturbing. i think one of my ovaries exploded and released all this estrogen into my body that's making me consider kidnapping small adorable children. previously mentioned friend a went through this period a year or so ago where she desperately wanted a baby to the point of actually planning to have one right then. so maybe i'm not being completely abnormal. but still, you guys. can ovaries explode? i'm guessing i would feel it if my ovary exploded.

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