Tuesday, July 8, 2008


this article disgusts me:

seriously, what the fuck? how is this news? because it seems to me like a cross between slut-shaming and a telenova. lara logan is an adult, professional woman. why exactly should she have to defend herself to the papers? take quotes like: "logan, 37, says she and burkett plan to get married eventually." oh! well, thank god they're getting married! i was about to write a letter to child protective services and have that baby taken away the minute it emerged from that harlot's birth canal. i'll put down the pen now. and the comments are even worse. todway wrote: "her putative news career is over. has anyone told her yet? I think she'd be a great co-host on The View, they need someone just as good looking as Mrs. Hasselbeck to offset the other harridans." seriously, motherfucker? she's pregnant without the social sanctity of marriage and now her ass is grass? i'd make some ironic comment about it being 1955 again, but gosh, back in the good old days women couldn't even have news careers! oh, and here's another gem from vltq: "Ms (Mrs?) Logan made a reputation "tramping" around Iraq, and now she is going to be a mother? I call that "having it all, Baby. Makes one wonder how she found time to file her reports." oh. hell. no. i can't even. i don't even know where to start. from the oh-so-sly mrs. title at the start from the closing comment how logan couldn't shut her legs long enough to even think about working. oh, and did someone tell lara that while she thought that she was doing her job in a highly dangerous environment, she was actually being a big ol' tramp and having THE SEX.

i'm in such a bitter mood today.

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